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Aran Armor Works AHS-13 Crab Combat Hardsuit

The Hegeran Hegemony commissioned Aran Armor Works to build their first Hardsuit, although stylistically different then the Valkyrie it pretty much has the same abilities save that the Morphable cannon arm was replaced by a laser cannon with a blade attached to the outer edge.

Class Type


Service Date

Power Armor

Aran Armor Works

5545 C.E.



Primary User


1 - Pilot

Hegeran Hegemony

Operational Limits


Primary Power

125 Hours

60 Feet [12]

1 Mini-Cell




2.5 Meters

0.8 Meters

1.5 Meters


220 Kilograms

Initiatives To Don

Proper Equioment

No Equipment




Hit Points


Ceramo-Steel [5]


Level 2 - +4

Carry Capacity




Equipment & Systems




60 Hours

90 Hours

The inner layer of the suit has a specialized gel layer that can help recycle oxygen if necessary and allows the suit to extend the O2 supply to 60 hours [whereas normally it would only be about twelve hours]; the suit can also be cracked in a semi-oxygenated atmosphere and this generally extends the O2 supply by another thirty hours.


The Suit Can Recycle Any Waste Excreted By The Wearer Into Potable Water And A Somewhat Bland Tasting Gruel [Although The Intrinsic Value Of The Gruel Becomes Less And Less With Each Recycling As The Suit Only Carries A Limited Supply Of The Necessary Daily Vitamins And Minerals - Which Is About Three Days Worth]

AI & Hard Drive

The Hegeran Hardsuits have a pretty dumb AI and can pretty much only monitor the suits functions for the wearer; unlike more advanced AI’s like the Theban Cluster’s HSS-7 it does not have the ability to translate languages or track targets for the weapons systems.

The suit also has a removable twenty-five memory unit hard drive [approximately 25 terabytes] that is used to store data from the suit as well as any external sensors that the suit hooks too as well as the suits camera and microphone system.

External Speakers, Microphone, & Combat Camera

The Suit Has Two External Speakers Built Into The Sides Of The Helmet Capable Of Projecting Sound Out To 125 Meters.

The suit also has a removable combat camera that stores data on an internal 10 Memory Unit cube and can be directly plugged into a computer and if the internal memory becomes full starts downloading the oldest data to the removable hard drive, likewise there are external microphones in the helmet of the armor that are able to pick up the slightest noise in a 50 meter radius.

Built-In Nanno-Injector

On The Inner Thigh Of Each Leg Is Three Injector Tubes Capable Of Holding A Single Large Nano-Injector Or Three Small Nano-Injector These Injectors Can Hold Any Of The Following - Health Nannite, Stimulant Nannite, Regen Nannite, or Stazine Nannite; General Load-Out Is 1 Regen, 1 Hybernate, 2 Stimulant, And 2 Health.


The Suit Uses A Miniature HBT Generator That Runs Off A Single Miniature HBT Cell And Has A Standard Endurance Rate Of 125 Hours, The HBT Cell Is Slid Into The Back Of The Suits Torso Armor.
